PNW high school students building courts and relationships in Cocorocas, Costa Rica

This week our group of high school kids from all over the PNW region came together to partner with the community of Cocorocas, Costa Rica, in building a court. Over the past 9 days, we have made friendships and memories to last a lifetime. We were welcomed into the community with open arms and got to learn many customs of their culture. They taught us not only about their lives but showed us amazing patience, support, and an overwhelming amount of kindness.

Prior to this trip, most of us had only known one way of life, the American way, and this trip was a way to change our mindset and change how we think. While it proved to be one of the toughest things most of us have had to do, in the end, the reward outweighed the challenges and disadvantages.

Our first full day in Costa Rica we immediately, bright and early, started working on the basketball court. We were put into groups with people we didn’t know, as we were mostly from different schools. We all slowly created a system of mixing concrete and bringing it down to the empty spaces in order to pour it, which was then flattened and smoothed by the help of locals and some of us. This proved to be a lengthy process.

The first day was the hardest as we were met with extreme temperature and humidity, and strangers that we now had to work with. We were also met with a meal that was very different from home, rice and beans for every meal which soon became very routine. Also, locals who didn’t speak our language, and vice versa, did not help our situation at all. Many people got sick and we were still figuring out what group gets what breaks and how long they are. We would go back to where we were all staying, exhausted, and have to wake up super early once again the next morning.

The second day was no different (as expected)! We quickly became acclimated though as we were welcomed with open arms into the community and started to make serious progress on the court. Despite the deep language barrier, we met many new people and many new friends! That of course, made the final goodbyes much more difficult. We were on schedule to finish the court in three days but were interrupted by a rain storm, which pushed it to a four-day long process instead. Despite all these challenges though we pulled through and finished strong, gaining a better work ethic and a better understanding of how the people of Punta Morales work and live.

After finishing the court we celebrated by having a barbecue by the beach and a soccer game. Overall, this experience changed us and we are excited to bring this new way of thinking not only back to the United States but into the future of our lives.

Once the court was finished we got to explore many new places with the locals and were shown various activities they do! After working, we always found time to spend with the locals. Whether it was playing soccer, other games or just sitting around and conversing.

Tuesday we started off celebrating a national holiday of Costa Rica and gathered at the school to watch traditional celebratory dances from the local kids. After, we were offered to be taken to a local river where we spent many hours swimming and jumping off a rope swing. The following day, we were awoken by howling monkeys. We then went back to the school for more games and activities with the local children.

After this, we joined the locals in karaoke and a dance party. Thursday we had a surprise trip to Isle de Tortuga where we took a boat tour to get to our destination. We stopped along the way and saw spider monkeys on a nearby island. We spent all day out on the island enjoying the sun and warm waters. After, we came back from the island we finished off the day with birthday celebrations for not only one of our group members but 2 other locals as well! We had cake and got to hit piñatas full of different candies.

The last day in the community started off with breakfast and a tour of a local family run camarones y sal (shrimp / salt) farm. We learned how they make salt and how they harvest their shrimp. We did have to watch out though, there was a crocodile living in their shrimp pools! After this tour, we sadly had to say our hardest goodbyes to our new friends and, some may even say, our families. We learned so much from every single person in the community and created a fun and exciting environment for all of us over the course of the trip.

Overall our trip was packed with many great experiences for everyone. The nine days in Costa Rica was a humbling experience, to say the least! Many of us are left to think what we are going to do now and how this trip transformed our way of thinking. The extreme differences we had with the environment, people, food, and conditions were nothing but not tough. We now however, walk away with a different perspective and hopefully, a new and amazing memory with many stories to share (and maybe a bug bite or two). This is a trip that any person should be excited to take.

Kellen Eki and Mia Yanez - Columbia River High School

This trip changed me in many ways, one being I see how happy the people here are in the worst of times, for example when we were halfway through one concrete slab and the rain prevented us from finishing the last slab, Alexi was singing and dancing. Moments like these make me aspire to see the good in all situations for my life at home. Zerek Boken, Student

I think prior to this trip, I’ve been led to believe that people are kind out of obligation but that’s not the case here. People are kind here because they are kind people. No matter what life throws at them. I know even if we don't necessarily see each other again, we have each other in our hearts. Lucy Farland, Student

Community Quotes:

It was a very nice and unforgettable experience to have shared with all of you, everything was very nice thanks to Courts for Kids, and it’s support to our community. -Laura Espinoza, Community Member

It was a very nice pleasure meeting the very kind people like all the boys and you, their guides. It was a pleasure to share with you and thank you for the effort you made to get the goal of the court. We are very grateful for everything, very nice regards to everyone, thank you Courts for Kids, for helping my community. -Mina, Community Member

It was very nice to share with you, I was at my max but it was enough to know the effort that each one makes to come to our community to give everything for the good of our community. They are very kind and thank God we achieved everything we all wanted: a space to go with our children to have a good time, blessings. -Dama, Community Member

U.S. Volunteer Quotes:

I feel like I learned so much about the world, myself, and others through this trip. It gave me hope for the future, and showed me that we can accomplish anything when we approach it with love. (...) I learned that we all just want connection, and peace and security for ourselves and our loved ones. Their passion and drive to improve their community inspires me to do the same, and to also spread smiles and laughs wherever I go. Tegan Sims, Student

The trip didn’t fully change me but it made me more open to talking to people I don’t know. The trip also allowed me to make new friends and be more comfortable around strangers. Fletcher Harper, Student

The community has taught me to be less judgmental upfront and to give everyone a chance. After this trip I feel I feel I will be more welcoming and more present in the moment. I loved just seeing how kind and caring everyone in the community is no matter what, and will be taking that back. Grace Bentz, Student

I believed I had a very strong work ethic and that this would be easy. I was quickly humbled. My resolve and strength was tested but in the end I learned patience and endurance. I am excited for the change in me and excited to bring it back home. Kellen Eki, Student

My high point of this trip is probably speaking and getting to know the locals because each and every one of them have kind and amazing personalities.(...) Also I learned that you can always find happiness with whatever you have. Dylan Caviness, Student

I also learned that much of the world is not defined by their money and is more defined by community. My favorite part of the trip is when we were at the court opening ceremony. Getting to see everone smile and play on a safe and well-constructed court was amazing. Logan Rediske, Student

Now I understand more clearly how people should be acting around people they dont know. Instead of being cold and ignoring, you should treat them like you family and be as selfless as you can while teaching and learning from them. You can find things you have in common with pretty much anyone even if you don't speak the same language and family can come from anywhere. Also, I understand how you don’t have to impress people in any way for them to respect you, and respect can be given to total strangers too. Abbigail Seth, Student

The deep emotion that was shown from people also made me feel like I was meant to be here with these people experiencing alongside them. I learned more than ever before that I truly know nothing in the scheme of things and that I need to stop judging others and myself, I need to let go of the construct I have created in my one head and be here. JJ Schoenlein, Student

I learned that the world is full of welcoming people even thought there was a language battier, we all tried our hardest to learn about each other and succeeded . I learned that it is an opportunity to learn about others in this world, to see their views on life, people and culture. Joshua Janssen, Student

It’s hard to leave a community where you have been accepted as family and literally shed blood, sweat, and tears to achieve a common goal. I want to see the community and be with the community as they use the court. Even though this trip is short the connections made are very deep and very genuine. Leaving someone who you have played, laughed with, and watched over is not easy. Kaylie DeMerritt, Student

What I learned from the community and this trip is to always show you care and to be present in the moment. They always had conversations and meaningful interactions without being distracted by their surroundings. They taught me to cherish all the moments you have surrounded by people you love because they bring out true happiness. Mia Yanez, Student


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