Testimonials from Volunteer Groups
“Most impressive to me is the manner in which the staff and organization operate with compassion, integrity, and respect for the intercultural experience with every step of the way. I truly cannot say enough about what the partnership with Courts for Kids as meant to our student-athletes and our Athletic Department.”
-Katie Harbert, Assistant Athletic Director, Student Athlete Development: University of Oregon
“Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School teamed up with Courts for Kids to participate in our first international service project in the school’s history. The majority of my students are generally categorized as ‘low-income’ and ‘at risk’ and often unfairly get the reputation of being raised to take hand outs. Working with Courts for Kids not only provided my students the opportunity to give back to a community, but also exposed them to the unique viewpoint of working with a community to accomplish a goal versus working for a community.”
– Andrew Ketchum, Director of Campus Ministry: Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School
“Courts for Kids provides Jesuit students with an enriching, immersive, eye-opening experience that sticks with them for a lifetime. The trips are well-organized, the work is intense, and, most importantly, the students return home as more mature, respectful, and open-minded young men.”
– Helen Swan, Associate Principal: Jesuit High School New Orleans
“Courts for kids provides an authentic experience of solidarity… and as a result, [the students] have not simply been told about the hard work and solidarity that typify life in developing countries; they’ve experienced it. I can only hope that this experience as a young person will help inform their life decisions and sense of compassion as they enter adulthood.”
– Daniel Keller, teacher: Edison High School, Portland, OR
“The idea for a service trip was laid on our hearts, but we didn’t know where to begin. From day one, Courts for Kids was guiding, supporting, teaching, advising and encouraging us. They helped with collecting donations, to preparing us for the trip, to connecting us to the village that was the best fit for our club. The experience as a whole was more than we could’ve asked for. The opportunity to work, play, eat and fellowship within a community is an experience every person should encounter.”
– Mike and Sarah Schall, Triangle Volleyball Club
“I love that the Courts for Kids experience can help [students] truly understand the ‘real world’. Through this experience the students reflect and realize who they are and what life path they want to take.”
– Mrs. Kinsey Dhoot, Teacher & Interact Community Service Advisor: Evergreen Public Schools
Testimonials from Communities
“As for the basketball project, it has come as a blessing to not only the children and the youth, but to the region as well … the project will encourage more children to participate and stay in school, improve community health both physically and mentally, the project shall too promote gender equality, and girl participation in sports.“
–Ochan Moses, Director Hoops of Hope Initiative: Uganda
“The court has created an atmosphere of excitement within the school’s environment. The impact is tremendous. The additional space has provided a safe and controlled area and the court is being used before, during and after school daily. I would recommend Courts for Kids without reservation.”
–Mr. Paul Reid, PE teacher at Bellefield Primary School: Bellefield, Jamaica
“The arrival of the CFK´s team of was something that changed Batey Frias. Before having the court, there was only an emptiness and silence, on the contrary, now you feel the life of youth and the noise that says pass me the ball, what an emotional moment for me! During this time, we created a family, as if we were all Dominicans. The goodbye felt like a family member was leaving our life, we were left in tears, tears and sadness, but also happiness for such a great gift they left behind, which is a court and a more united community.”
–Sonia, Community Leader: Batey Frias, Dominican Republic
“The court we built in rural Cambodia allowed young girls to participate in sports that they historically would not participate in due to the gender divide. The bonds that were built between the community members and the Courts for Kids group were incredible.”
–Neysa Peterson, Peace Corps Volunteer: Cambodia