University of Texas Athletics and the Costa Rican Community of La Ceiba - Teamwork: The Ultimate Equalizer

La Ceiba’s welcoming community atmosphere fueled bonds between the University of Texas at Austin Athletics volunteers and local community members that both sides would cherish for a lifetime. Though we went through trainings on what to expect with the travel, the cultural differences, and the work, we were nowhere near prepared for the impact the trip and the community members would have on us as individuals. We were not just student-athletes servicing a local Costa Rican Community, no, we felt like we were a part of something bigger, part of a huge family that cared for one another and saw past each other's differences.

This trip did not just consist of volunteers and community members coming together to complete an objective, this was about accepting a challenge that drove us more than anything as a group. After arriving  we found out that we were one of the smallest Courts for Kids groups (5 student-athletes, 1 photographer/videographer, and 4 staff members when a typical group size is between 16-25) to tackle one of the largest courts (18 meters by 30 meters when a typical size is 15 x 28) to ever be done in this organization. Taking on this challenge empowered us, and together with at least 8 community members per day we still completed the court in 3 days’ time (~18 hours).

After completing the court, we spent the rest of our time exploring the extravagant beauties that Costa Rica has to offer and played a lot of soccer (aka fútbol) matches and card games with the local kids. With a few local community members serving as guides, we took scenic walks discovering many different bird species, Iguanas, and various plant life such as sugar cane, pineapples, guava and plums. One outing led to a local river where we could see the local children laughing and enjoying themselves in the water, another to view the non-active volcano, and finally to a natural hot spring.

A common misconception that American’s have about the people in Central America is that they are poor but, and while that may be true for some, a lot of the community members consider themselves to be rich because of the community and family they are surrounded by. They have animals and crops to sustain themselves, as well as access to fresh water. The people of La Ceiba are happy and content with what they have and this puts into perspective how American’s can, at times, be ungrateful and materialistic. Even with the language barrier, the community members were so patient with us so that we could communicate with one another. We were also surrounded by beautiful smiles and affection.

This trip changed me in a lot of ways. I originally thought that this would just be a simple work trip, just a couple of volunteers here to provide a service for a local community, but I never knew that I would gain so much insight into my own life as well as discover truths about myself that I never knew. I can genuinely say that this experience with Courts for Kids has changed my life and I am eternally grateful for this opportunity. ~ Justice Finkley, UT Junior Human Dimensions of Organizations Major, Business Minor, and Football Student-Athlete

“I feel that this trip has inspired me to visit other communities and help them. I also feel that I will be more thankful for what I have at home, all of those thigs that I have experienced are things that I will be taking home.”  ~ Pablo Lesarri

“What I learn about the world is that community is family is more valuable than materialistic things. I also learn that even with less, other cultures consider themselves rich and happy with their lives because they have a community, fresh food as well as animals.” ~ Justice Finkley

“The world isn’t a small place. There are cultures and traditions that are more progress for humanity than technology and policies, these people showed what humans can achieve with what little they have and make their riches from it.” ~ Darion J. Sanders

“The community has taught me many things including how genuine people are and how others treat another, has opened my eyes to see that there is so much outside of my bubble that I call home in Texas, the world is strong, and it has given us more faith in humanity. By being able to connect with the community members this week, I have seen how these are parts of the world that aren’t as developed, but live simple, happy lives.” ~ Tiffany Cao

“This trip reminded me how amazing life can be just when things are simple. It does not matter about materialistic things, or money, or locations it is about the people you surround yourself with. These community showed me the blessing of caring with pure heart and loving one another for who they are.”  ~ Livi Ahern

“The world is it so big, there are kind people in the world, and it is worth traveling. Life is bigger than my four walls of my bedroom and there are people that are worth meeting.”  ~ Breana Thompson

“The more important things in life are experiences that are more difficult to come by the older you get. Meaning a lot more effort is required to continue experiencing new cultures and finding ways to serve others.” ~ Macy Franklin 

“We were met by a line of cars and everyone was so excited to welcome us here, it was such a great expression of unity. As we walk into the school everyone cheered and clapped, it was a really beautiful moment and solidified why we were here for this experience.” ~ Kyrah Cowan

“The most difficult part about going home knowing that we never see these wonderful, loving, beautiful people again. There love is unconditional. Their love of life is inspiring.” ~ Jim Deleeuw

“I was impressed by the display of traditional food that were presented to us. So much time, effort, energy, thought coordination had to go into that. Some of the dishes are only typically made once a year for holidays and they made them for us to experience. I feel blessed.”  ~ Dr. Shauna Sobers

Quote from the community:

“Para nosotros tambien fue una experienca muy hermosa al principio estamos muy asustados @ pero gracias a Dios todo salio excelente, nunca los vamos a olvidar y cuando quieran volver a Costa Rica bienvenidos sean aqui los esperamos. ~ Karol Marin


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