University of Kansas Athletics and the community of Guayabal, Dominican Republic

Our service trip to Guayabal, Dominican Republic, stands as a testament to the transformative power of collective action and cultural exchange. Guayabal beckoned us with promises of shared purpose and mutual growth. As we embarked on this journey, we carried with us not only a desire to make a difference but also a profound respect for the resilience and spirit of the Dominican people. From the outset, our mission was clear: to forge bonds, build bridges, and leave an enduring legacy of compassion and collaboration. This is the story of our journey—a narrative of unity and friendship.

A focal point of our service trip was the construction of a sports court for the children of Guayabal. Recognizing the importance of recreation and play in fostering physical and social development, we embarked on this project with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. From the initial planning stages to the final touches, every aspect of the court's construction was a collaborative effort, with team members and local residents working hand in hand to bring the vision to life. Despite facing logistical challenges and unforeseen obstacles, our resolve remained steadfast, fueled by the knowledge that our efforts would leave a lasting impact on the community.

As the days passed, the once empty piece of land transformed into a vibrant hub of activity—a place where laughter and joy filled the air, and friendships blossomed amidst the shared thrill of competition. The inauguration of the sports court was a moment of celebration and triumph, as children and adults alike gathered to witness the culmination of our collective work. As we watched the children play volleyball and kick soccer balls with joy, we knew that our endeavor had not only provided them with a safe and inviting space to play but also instilled within them a sense of pride and ownership over their community.

Beyond the physical structure itself, the sports court served as a catalyst for positive change, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among residents of all ages. It became a symbol of hope and possibility—a tangible reminder of what can be achieved when individuals come together with a shared vision and a willingness to make a difference. As we reflect on our time in Guayabal, the construction of the sports court stands out as a testament to the transformative power of collaborative action, leaving an enduring legacy of joy, friendship, and opportunity for generations to come.

Our trip exemplified how joining forces and embracing cultural exchange can lead to meaningful change. Throughout our journey, we embraced everything that came our way. The difference the community has made in our hearts is indescribable, from being strangers with the kids to being family, holding our hands while walking. Waking up and they are waiting at our front door to be with us, until dawn. So as we bid farewell to Guayabal, we carry with us not only cherished memories of shared experiences but also a profound sense of gratitude for the connections we forged and the positive impact we achieved.

Our time together was marked by moments of bathing in a river, sleeping in a confined space, waking up to see the sunrise, playing with the local kids, eating at the community members’ houses, going to the local community shops. But most importantly we got to form memories with each team member. Working  hand in hand with local residents to build a brighter future. From constructing the sports court to immersing ourselves in the local culture, every interaction reinforced the transformative power of collective action and mutual respect. As we reflect on our journey, we recognize the significance of the bonds we formed and the lessons we learned, both individually and collectively. Though our physical presence may now be fleeting, the ripple effects of our service and friendship will endure, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all involved. Rock chalk!

Volunteer Quotes:

“This trip changed me because it gave me a different perspective and how to approach life. I learned  from the locals and how they go about life. I learned how to appreciate the luxuries I have in my life.” 

-Jayson Gilliom

“My favorite memories from the trip were the meaningful conversations, laughs, smiles, and relationships formed. I loved playing with the locals kids, they brought so much joy, energy and made it fun. I also loved seeing the whole community come out and contribute to the hard work of building the court.” 

-Addi Barnes

“Joining the community in the Dominican Republic was truly an eye opening experience. The community was incredibly welcoming allowing me to learn and observe what full acceptance looks like.” 

-Alessandra Vedder

“I feel this trip changed me because it made me learn more about myself I feel I’ve been happier here than the past year. It showed me the things I found most important that making connections with people and the love for sports.” 
- Hayven Harrison

“How I feel like this trip changed me is in so many ways without a phone, I was able to be fully present in life. The last time I felt like this was probably when I was a little kid. I hadn’t realized how much of life I get distracted by having my phone. I actually felt like I was alive and living life, which is a strange thing to say.” 
- Lezli Sisung

Community Quotes:

“I thank God for the athletes’ visit, I felt very honored that they came here, leaving all their comforts to collaborate in this great cause. It was a time full of hard work and yet, we were encouraged to see the joyful and dedicated way in which they worked every day. I ask God to greatly bless your lives and to be a blessing to others.” - Pastor Greymi Ramos

“Being able to serve as a translator on a Courts For Kids project has without a doubt been one of the highlights of my Peace Corps service. To not only see the intercultural exchange taking place between the U.S. volunteers and the locals of Guayabal, but to actively be a part of it, was an absolute honor. The Courts For Kids process really promotes the formation of genuine, authentic bonds between the U.S. volunteers and the locals of the community. To see such genuine connections made in such a short period of time was an incredible thing to bear witness to, and I feel incredibly lucky to have played a role in that process.” - Tess Penders, PCV

“My favorite memory of the trip to Guayabal was the quick connection between the locals and the group. For me, the translation between them was easier since I felt that their union was genuine and they understood each other from the beginning. There was a friendship between them that I believe that they will never forget each other.” - Mariloly Cuevas


Jesuit High School Portland in Higo de la Cruz, Dominican Republic


Bellarmine High School in the joyful and welcoming community of Padre Las Casas, Dominican Republic